Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Great Grandma Wildman holding Comic.  

Great Grandpa Wildman appears to have that look where he is just about ready to say something smart...like bragging about his memory. Okay, I'll try and repeat his story: "I have a great memory. Shoot I can remember going to the prom with dad, and coming home with mom." ha ha. 
 I wish this was a sharper image so you can see the love in Ry's eyes for his grandma..The boy sure does love this woman..but who doesn't?? She is heavenly.The visit was soooo nice. This was the good night and goodbyes in the hallway before they went to the hotel for the night. We all had breakfast the next morning, and away they went. Great Grandpa had us laughing the entire visit.

1 comment:

lisa said...

great memories, hope they can visit often.