Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Greats come to Visit

We were very fortunate to have one set of great grandparents come to visit us 4/4/09. This is Richard and Sylvia Wildman from Boise, Idaho (Ry's grandparents on his momma's side). 
Cormic touring Rock Castle with the Greats.  Cormic was pretty good during the tour...well until he got hungry and then we had to leave. Sierra and Ezekiel decided to stay at home.  
Not sure if Great Grandma was too worried about what the tour guide had to say..looks like she kept her eyes glued on the little guy. ha ha ha.  I tease.
Too me this is some treat..Cormic and his Great Grandpa! Cormic's eyes might look big at this moment, because he just heard Granpa's story of when he dragged a man to death. You know the one? A man reached out to grab grandpa, the man got his hands stuck in gramps back pocket and then grandpa dragged him to death, kicking in his head with the heal of his boots ...ha ha ha. something like that. 

1 comment:

lisa said...

good people, good genes, what can u say!