Saturday, August 29, 2009

He's a Teenager!

So, still I'm a little behind on my post...But, on Auguts 19th Ezekiel turned 13 years old..Another WOW!  He did say that he doesn't feel any different. Good news though, he is attending the Arts Middle school now. He was moved to his new school 2 days after this year started, which was not the greatest moment for him.
   Ezekiel's is following his cousin Chaz's foot steps, he is interested in making movies/short films.    
Ezekiel is on the floor playing w/his little brother's big cheeks.  
Not to long ago..E had the same round cheeks..but now since he's growing up..they've disappeared... : (    huh? Mine never did..ha ha ha ha
Okay..I find this tooo be so funny, because even though you know Ezekiel loves Cormic..I'm sure he'd rather have a buddy over. But, look at Cormic.. he is sooooo excited to have his big brother on the floor with him. What is the saying? He looks like a pig in @#!%. ha ha ha ha.   

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