Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cormic update

Well, Cormic is doing very well. He is winning the hearts of all the ladies at his daycare.  Everyday they say what a "sweet sweet" baby he is and they think he is just the cutest thing...even though they've mentioned he toots a lot and he burps, very loud. ha ha ha..      
 He finally sits by himself and he maneuvers around doing the army crawl, hasn't gotten up to his knees yet.    
Cormic normally goes to bed around 7:30 pm everyday, except for last night. Ry had to work this weekend, and Cormic waited up till 8:30 pm to see his dad walk in the door and then shortly after he fell asleep.  Cormic doesn't not like sitting at the computer unless he sees a picture of himself..ha ha ha. And, he has started to dance when he hears music.. He will even dance if I try to sing and everyone knows I can't carry a that should say what a sweet baby he is..but, he is also likes to pick on Sierra. He will dance when I or Ezekiel sings..but if Sierra sings..he will just stop and stare at her. ha ha ha    
It has been a great 7 1/2 months with this little man.

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