Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sierra Turned 15!

It's been awhile since I posted..but, on August 8th Sierra turned 15 years old. Hard to believe huh? But, it's not hard to believe that she's turning into a very beautiful creative strong and independent young lady.  There are times when she keeps to herself and there are other times when Ry and I have to remind her there is a baby in the house. In other words "Turn that music down!"...ha ha ha  ..Ya..we know the saying "if it's too are too old." Ry would just say her music selection is not... and I'll leave it at that. ha ha ha       
 She was very excited to receive an I-Pod from Travis and Jess.  She absolutely loves it and has it with her every day.    
She is currently a sophomore at Nashville School of Arts, which she loves going to school there. I'm going to get on some type of medication in two years, because I know I will not be ready to see her graduate. 

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