Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What's that Carson been doing?

I should probably say a little bit more than SHE'S JUST BEING CUTE!! (ha ha ha). Carson has been a great baby. She sleeps pretty much through the night. Uh, she is trying to get a cold right now..has a little congestion in the nose. The teachers at her daycare adore her and so far so good.
At the house, she does keep her eye on Cormic...not sure what's going on with that. It's like, she doesn't trust him or something.

She can definitely work a head band. Hardly notice the spit up on her shirt..Ya, she's got confidence.
I haven't found the right outfit for this band that Aunt Katie sent; but it's a favorite!! I don't think this picture gives it or Carson's just cute, I tell ya.

He might have been in the middle of saying "Don't take.." and then SNAP. Gottcha Ry


The Hood's said...
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The Hood's said...

Love that baby! Gotta love a girl that can pull off a headband. Love you guys!