Monday, January 24, 2011

Carson at six months old

On January 14, 2011 our little Carson turned six months old. She has just been a jewel since her birth. Ry and I know she won't be young for long, she keeps her eye on Cormic and the oldest two. And, let me tell ya..She wants in on whatever they are doing. Carson pictured below self medicating...yep Ry would say that is my side of the family. And, then I would say something like "she has no shirt that's your side of the family?.. streaker." LOL

Carson and Cormic below. Notice her little face...she is sitting real still and thinking "Maybe if I don't move...he won't see me"
"Let's gooooo momma!"
And, the two little pictures below of our littlest sweetie. Ry says she already flirts with her eyes..what do you think?
Maybe he means more of the look below...Ya, it's a definite " can't say no to me dadda" look.

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