Saturday, January 8, 2011

A first for Carson

Time is really flying by way to fast. Carson is almost six months old, she last weighed in at 14 lbs 9 oz.
Above was the sweetest little gift that could have been bought for the little Southern Belle, received from Grandma Bev. Love it! I told Carson, "Smile big for the camera"...and had asked her several times to drop her arm down out of the frame..But, NOOOOooo she had to sport her new jewels. This was her Vogue shot..she tried to suck in the cheeks for that starving model image; but just couldn't.
I love her holiday dress...a gift from Great Grandma Wanda before she was even born.
She had a wonderful day..enjoyed the wrapping paper very much.
She just wants to say Thank you to all family and Friends for al the special gifts!

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