Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas continued....

Ezek was funny...after he opened his gift from Kain, Claire and the girls he said "Aaaaawwwhhhhhh fresh and new sketch book"
Ezekiel auditioned for Nashville school of Art January 3 rd...So, we hope he will be accepted. Since he is interested in Mass Media; we had him open the gift from Grandma & Grandpa Wolf. I's a darn camcorder. I would have already posted some video for you all but our computer system is too old to upload the video from it... Can you believe that? Sierra and Ezek were both excited for that gift...
And, Cormic really loved his outfit from the Washington Evans crew..He said "I love that they aren't overalls? Well, I'll beee"
And, from the image below...I would guess Sierra is going to hold on to her sketch book. Loved it!
ohhhhhhhhh...what a day. Time for a little snooze. Big Brother and little Sis. It's what this holiday is all about. F A M I L Y

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