Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sierra and Cormic

Cormic stays with a babysitter for dad's first show

Ry had his first show with The Silver Dukes at a local venue called the Basement 1/28/09. Kristi, thankfully came to stay and watch over Cormic. The boys played very well and have a myspace page if you are interested in listening to a couple of their tunes they have posted. The night was great until I walked a friend out to her car..and someone had thrown a rock through her window. Eeeks, what do you say after that? "umm, thanks for coming"? ? ? Oh..that was so terrible.
                                       The Siver Dukes

Monday, January 26, 2009

Cormic's first dance

Ry broke one of his own rules when it comes to "Old Blues first". Early Saturday morning, Ry put in a CD of Tom Waits and danced with the little guy.

More shots of Cormic this weekend

The last two nights, Cormic has slept 6 hours straight. Amazing huh?

Mekesha and family came to visit

On Janary 24, Mekesha  and her two children came to visit. The greatest thing about my friend is that she is very honest. So, while the big kids were outside playing Mekesha kicked me out of my own house so she could have some alone time with Cormic. ha ha ha.
This is Ayanna holding Cormic..Do NOT look into this young child's eyes..she will trap you into doing anything. Everytime I see her..I want to drop everything and run to the store and purchase a gift for her..she is soo precious and beautiful.
Mekesha and Cormic before their alone time. I'm pretty sure Cormic is going to be loved by all. Hope she's around when he's 16..ha ha ha

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cormic watches the White Stripes

This last Tuesday, Cormic and I went to his first doctors appointment. His pediatrician said he looked very healthy and was doing good. The problem came when Ry got into the car later that night. Ry got after me for having the Raconteurs (Jack White, etc) in the CD player..So, he stated I have to start Cormic out with not to start problems this weekend ...I had company over and we all watched a couple of my favorite DVD's. The White Stripes (Jack White) and Coal Miners Daughter.At the time, Ry was out in his studio putt'n up a ceiling. Yes..I think he's holding it up with his head. he didn't get upset about the video. I think Cormic just thought "where's Barney..and who is this man in tights?" ha ha ha

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dad talking to the little guy.Momma's littlest angel  
I'm pretty sure Cormic will never go without when Ezekiel is around. Again, Ezekiel is so loving to him and wants to be so involved with anything and everything when it comes to his little brother.   

Cormic's first winter

I have seen on the news and heard from family out west that they have received a lot of snow this winter. So, I guess I just had to show off that we've received some snow also. Okay, I had to run out and take the picture before it melted...but still.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

More 1st week photos of Cormic

Ry says that Cormic has momma's (LaRayne's) scowl..I'm not sure what he's talk'n about..(tee hee hee)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cormic blows you all a kiss

I think these two are pretty cute, because it looks like he is just puckering up them lips for a big ol kiss. 
Okay, I posted a couple of different posts today. So, if interested you will have to again go to the bottom of the page and hit older posts if you would like to see the photos.  

Photos of Cormic Eirrinn III

I guess I haven't written his entire name out and depending on who you ask (Ry or I) may get a different story for the meaning and the reason behind the name, for example the third..there is no Cormic the first or Cormic the II. 
His name:
Cormic Eirrinn III (yes, that is the third).    
I will say before he was even born we were calling him three.

Cormic's First days at home

The first nights have been pretty easy with Cormic. He awakes around midnight or 1:00 am and then again about 5:00 am, which is okay because that is what time the alarm goes off in the house anyways. He has been drinking about 2 1/2 oz to 3 oz of formula.  

Cormic is shown here sleeping in his crib. He appears to be very comfortable in his bed and his new room. Though, at night he sleeps in a bassinet next to our bed.

I will try and not to say it too many times, but here is a picture of Cormic about 5 days old and he I'm pretty sure he is just getting more precious by the day. (ha ha ha)   

How the rest of the family adjusts

Of course Sierra and Ezekiel love and welcomed Cormic with joy and excitement. Sierra, who was sitting here on the couch doing her drawings..with little Cormic in the swing next to her.  

 I feel the only one who is not able to adjust very well is our new puppy Octavio. He is shown laying next to Ry..waiting patiently to take over dad's lap.  For a puppy, he is doing very well, but I sense he feels a little cheated and expected not to grow up so fast. On the other hand, Ezekiel who is only 12 years old has taken on the responsibility of a big brother impressively well. Ezekiel is there everytime Cormic fusses with a binky in hand, or a cloth to wipe up a messing mouth. Ezekiel wants to feed Cormic every time and is present at every diaper change. For the most part, I think Ry and I are very fortunate that the household has adjusted so nicely.    

Sunday January 18th

Leslie and Rylie came to visit Cormic..and also brought the family some goodies to munch on. Also, on this day Chris and Kristie from Crossplains, TN came to check out the new little guy. Not sure what Chris is expressing on his face: ..either Cormic tooted or Chris is scared to death of a new born..ha ha ha. I thought I was the only one who was scared..just kidd'n. Cormic is too cute to be afraid of holding him.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Day Cormic Arrived

Cormic was born on January 15th, at 4:26 pm in Nasville, TN at Baptist hospital. He was 19 inches long. Ry and I arrived at the hospital at 6:30 am and by 7:30 I had the I-V with medication in it to start contractions. Soon after, doctor Morgan broke my water and stated she would be back to delivery. To be honest I was a little nervous because this staff was not messing around..they were determined we were going to have this baby out in the afternoon. Progress was slow, but after I reached 4 cm..he arrived shortly after.  One of my favorite moments was after Cormic arrived...the staff left Ry, Cormic and I alone. And Ry put in a CD of Etta James and we listed to "At Last" was perfect. 
   Okay, friends and family these photos were posted in a hurry and I'm sure I left out a lot of photos and I'm sure I haven't said it enough on how much we appreciate all the support we have received from family and friends. We love you all so much!! thank you ! When you get to the bottom of the page, don't forget to hit previous or older posts so you can see all the photos..

7 lbs 14 oz !!

Okay, this is right after delivery..maybe I shouldn't be the judge..but I'm pretty sure..this child is darn near perfect..He is beautiful !! Yep, even w/the goobers (ha ha) 

Momma and Cormic after arrival

I'm not even kidd'n..but hello look at sweat? This was a great delivery ! The nurse was great to us, the room was beautiful and the pain medicine was ..well, no words can even describe how delivery has improved in the last 12 years..ha ha ha. I didn't even get the chance to curse at Ry or tell him he is too never touch me again. It was an absolute perfect day. Long, but perfect.