Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How the rest of the family adjusts

Of course Sierra and Ezekiel love and welcomed Cormic with joy and excitement. Sierra, who was sitting here on the couch doing her drawings..with little Cormic in the swing next to her.  

 I feel the only one who is not able to adjust very well is our new puppy Octavio. He is shown laying next to Ry..waiting patiently to take over dad's lap.  For a puppy, he is doing very well, but I sense he feels a little cheated and expected not to grow up so fast. On the other hand, Ezekiel who is only 12 years old has taken on the responsibility of a big brother impressively well. Ezekiel is there everytime Cormic fusses with a binky in hand, or a cloth to wipe up a messing mouth. Ezekiel wants to feed Cormic every time and is present at every diaper change. For the most part, I think Ry and I are very fortunate that the household has adjusted so nicely.    

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