Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Day Cormic Arrived

Cormic was born on January 15th, at 4:26 pm in Nasville, TN at Baptist hospital. He was 19 inches long. Ry and I arrived at the hospital at 6:30 am and by 7:30 I had the I-V with medication in it to start contractions. Soon after, doctor Morgan broke my water and stated she would be back to delivery. To be honest I was a little nervous because this staff was not messing around..they were determined we were going to have this baby out in the afternoon. Progress was slow, but after I reached 4 cm..he arrived shortly after.  One of my favorite moments was after Cormic arrived...the staff left Ry, Cormic and I alone. And Ry put in a CD of Etta James and we listed to "At Last" was perfect. 
   Okay, friends and family these photos were posted in a hurry and I'm sure I left out a lot of photos and I'm sure I haven't said it enough on how much we appreciate all the support we have received from family and friends. We love you all so much!! thank you ! When you get to the bottom of the page, don't forget to hit previous or older posts so you can see all the photos..


alicia said...

I am so happy u had a great experience, he is perfect!

leslie said...

Ok, Cormic is over the top cute. You are blessed with great kids that are stop the truck cute. Big hug and cheer (high kick) for the Evans Family.

I'm happy, happy, happy for you.