Thursday, April 9, 2009

At the Office

Cormic and I went to the office today to drop off my medical release. On the way out of the building, we stopped to visit Michelle and Lisa..Cormic was a big flirt with the ladies today.

Hey, what could these ladies be gathered around the cube for?
Yep, they were checking out Mekesha holding the little guy. Thankfully, Cormic was a good little guy during the visit. Me? I have been crying pretty much all morning because I'll be returning to work 4/13/09 and he'll go to daycare. boooo hooo. But, during this time I guess those who have a job should be thankful and I am. So, thanks again to all the gifts that everyone has given Cormic and the gift you gave me was being able to stay home with Cormic a little longer because you all bought him everything he needed. SO thank you!! Nothing went unnoticed. The time went too fast!!

1 comment:

lisa said...

he just brings a smile to everyone!