Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Call to Paramedics

Ohhhh, brother. On 4/21/09, I dropped Cormic off at daycare around 6:20 am. Of course, he appeared to be normal. But, I received a call from the daycare about 8:00 am and they said "Can you come quick, his nose is bleeding and he is having difficulty breathing." In a mad dash to the car, I'm crying and trying to get a hold of Ry. Of course during this time I'm thinking of the worst things that could have happened to Cormic. Like, "who shook my baby, did they drop him?".. When I arrived at the day care, Cormic was unresponsive to my voice, he was being held by a day care worker, who was trying to get him to show some signs of normal behavior. He was cold, clammy, very pale and I could see the dried blood in both of his nostrils. In addition, there were two other workers crying and they were telling me what he had been doing. Including his eyes rolling in the back of his head.  We then decided to call paramedics. Because, I was not getting in the car with this child alone and not being able to monitor him. So, the paramedics stated he was not in a life threatening situation. Before, they left Ry arrived and we took Cormic to his pediatrician.  And, by the time we were in his office; Cormic had some color back in his cheeks and was alert. The doctor simply stated it was probably his body's reaction to mucus build up in his chest. And his little body is trying to get sick (everyone in the household has been sick lately). So, the end of the story is that he is doing much better BUT he gave us a REAL good scare and I'm soooo glad I was not in a meeting when that call came. ha ha ha. When it was all over, Ry just called Cormic a little actor. Said, "He'd do anything to keep his momma home with him."      

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh how scarey!