Monday, January 5, 2009

                           Many faces of the babies daddy 
      Don't be alarmed, this may be normal behavior for a man who is expecting his third child and who has not been able to comfort his anxiety with an adult beverage for the last 8 months.  
This has been his look for the last 8 to 9 months..No, he hasn't blinked once..Ry has had the frozen "oh sh@t look on his face since we found out that Cormic was on his way"ha ha..just kidd'n. 
           Again, he grew out his beard along with his brother and brother in law this Christmas and now it's all gone. (sphewwww) 


alicia said...

Ry could you try a chin strap or a
soul patch?

leslie said...

No! I can't look again.